Complete Pen "A" Mandrel Morse Taper #1
Item #: CPM1A
Price: $16.95
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- Complete Pen "A" Mandrel with brass knurled nut,#1Morse Taper arbor. For example a #1 Morse taper is for older Sears, Carba-Tec, Artesian and other lathe brands with a #1 Morse taper.
95% of the pen kit manufacturers us an "A" or 7mm mandrel which is really 6.2mm in diameter. "B" mandrels are referred to as 8mm mandrels but are really 7.2mm in diameter. These are used for the larger pens such as the Cambridge, Churchill, El Grande and others. They use the "B" mandrel because it is more stable and will have a tendency not to flex as much as an "A" mandrel can. (see 2nd image for comparison of A & B shafts) (see third image for comparison of #2 and #1 Morse Tapers)